Batter up, chatter up: The demise of talkative catchers in baseball
“Talkative catchers of baseball”
Willie Kamm: Was Good field no hit, fair?
“Willie Kamm takes us back down memory lane”
John Francis Daley: Batting Against Walter Johnson
“You Can’t Hit What You Can’t See: John Francis Daley”
Johnny Cooney Interview: 20 Years in the National League
“An Interview with Johnny Cooney”
Joe DiMaggio: The Reluctant Hero
“My take on Joe DiMaggio”
Interviewing Sam Mele; Player, Manager and Scout for 46 years
“Okay, rookie, get the bags.”
Sid Hudson: Interview with a Baseball Lifer.
“Talking to pitcher, scout and coach Sid Hudson”
Ball players from the Bay: San Francisco’s Fertile Sandlots
“That was the last batting practice McGraw ever took. And it was the closest I ever got to the big leagues.”