Billy Sullivan Jr.’s Rookie Year in the Big Leagues
“Billy Sullivan Jr. in the Big Leagues”

Ty Cobb’s Batting Tips
"Taking Ty Cobb's Advice"

Ballplayers and Real Estate
"Where did ballplayers invest their money?"

Joe McCarthy: Push-Button Manager?
“Was Joe McCarthy Really a Push-Button Manager?”

The Philadelphia Athletics and the Bullfroggers
“Bullfrogging in the Early 20th Century”

Eddie Plank: Fiddler on the Mound
“Eddie Plank’s Antics on the Mound”

Batting Stances: Analysing three greats at the plate
“Iconic Batting Stances Throughout the Years”

The First Official World Series
“The Story of the First Word Series”

The Cy Young Award
“Cy Young: A Man Worth Remembering”

Pitching Duels: A Thing of the Past
“A short history of pitching duels”

The Flycatchers
“Spectacular Catches: A List of Lesser Known Legends”

Paul Richards Spins a Tall Tale
“Was Paul Richards Telling the Truth?”

Lou Brissie: Mission Impossible
“The Incredible Story of Lou Bressie”

Beyond the 9th: The Drama of Baseball's Marathon Matches
“The longest baseball games ever!”

The Young Jimmie Foxx: How the Farm Boy Became the Beast of Baseball
“The strength of a gorilla with the disposition of a collie”

Starting Pitcher: Jimmie Foxx?
“A hall of fame hitter with a canon for an arm”

Sam Chapman: How a Letter from Ty Cobb Changed My Career
“Ty Cobbs letter changed my mind”

Tall Tale or True: Was Elmer Valo a Four-Decades Major Leaguer?
“The true story of Elmer Valo”